Agenda item

Healthwatch City of London Update

Report of Healthwatch City of London.


The Sub Committee received a report from Steve Stevenson from Healthwatch. Members discussed the patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE) Healthwatch had attended with Barts Health NHS Trust at Newham University Hospital, Mile End Hospital and the Royal London, noting 16 wards had been assessed in total. Mr Stevenson reported positively on the Newham University Hospital assessments, and less favourably for Mile End Hospital.


Members also discussed the requirement for TV cards to be purchased at the Royal London Hospital which many patients could not afford. It was noted that Healthwatch were pursuing the issue, which was part of the PFI contract. Mr Stevenson advised that two areas at Newham University Hospital had been recommended for free television provision: elderly care and post-natal maternity wards.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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