Agenda item

Planning Casework

Report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest.



Members noted that some 132 planning applications had been considered on the Committee’s behalf, a 45% increase on last year. Objections were made to 39 applications. From these applications 44% had been refused or withdrawn, 36% have been granted permission, seven applications were for pre-application advice, and one application had Forest verge crossover implications. The 44% refused or

withdrawn level compares favourably with national statistics for year ending

2014, which show a 12% refusal rate.


In response to a query regarding the Policy and Resources Committee’s past decision to allocate £25,000 for external planning advice, Members noted that this fund had been allocated for a specific time period which had lapsed. Officers informed Members that the full sum was not utilised however it was not advised that Members seek further funding for external planning advice during the time of Service Based Reviews and also due to the amount of ‘carry forward budget’ by the Open Spaces directorate.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.

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