Agenda item

Committee Appointments 2015/16

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the annual appointments to the various Consultative Committees and a Joint Consultative Group.



a)    the appointment and composition of the following bodies be approved as follows for the ensuing year:-

i)              Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee

Virginia Rounding (Chairman)

Jeremy Simons (Deputy Chairman)

ii)             Highgate Wood Joint Consultative Committee

Virginia Rounding (Chairman)

Jeremy Simons (Deputy Chairman)

Ann Holmes

Professor John Lumley

Barbara Newman

iii)            Queen’s Park Joint Consultative Group

Virginia Rounding (Chairman)

Jeremy Simons (Deputy Chairman)

Karina Dostalova

Ann Holmes

Barbara Newman

b)    Jeremy Simons be appointed as the representative to the Keats House Consultative Committee; and

c)    The appointment of an officially nominated representative from Barnet Mencap to the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee be approved.

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