Agenda item

Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee

To approve the public minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2015.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2015 be approved.


Matters Arising

The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath updated the Committee regarding the following matters:


East Heath Car Park

Quotations for the works were currently being obtained. The car park would remain closed for two to three weeks once the works were expected to start after summer 2015.


Parliament Hill Outdoor Gym Proposal

The London Borough of Camden were currently shortlisting contractors to install equipment and a report would be submitted to this and the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee in July 2015. The Town Clerk added that a Camden Outdoor Gyms Evaluation document would be circulated to Members after the meeting.


Kite Hill

The phased landscape improvement works were progressing and the QR code for the strategic view would be available on the Hampstead Heath website shortly. A meeting would be taking place soon to discuss the new sign with the Heath and Hampstead Society.



In response to the Chairman’s question, the Superintendent advised that the filming company who asked permission to film on the Heath during April 2015 were allowed to do so and a good fee was received.


Supporting documents: