Agenda item

Outstanding Actions of the Committee


The Chairman was disappointed about the low attendance at today’s earlier Risk Challenge Session and asked that, in future, if Members are unable to attend, they give adequate notice to the Town Clerk, in order for the session to be re-scheduled.  It was noted that two of the sessions had clashed with the Planning Committee and this would be taken into consideration when planning future sessions.  


In respect of the Director of the Built Environment’s session, it was suggested that this be rescheduled for 20th July and that the Director’s successor should also attend.  The Town Clerk would check the current Director’s leaving date and the arrival date of the new one.


The Chairman welcomed new Member, Henry Colthurst.


International Centre for Financial Regulation - Members noted that there would be a Hearing tomorrow and would receive an update at the next meeting.

The Chairman suggested that, whilst the outstanding actions list was currently fairly low, it was timely to consider the addition of further items; i.e. limiting it to those which needed a further steer from the Committee.


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