Agenda item

Appointment of the Bursary Committee

To consider the appointment of a Bursary Committee for the ensuing year. 


To comprise of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.


Bursary Committee 2014/15:-

Clare James (as Chairman)

Deputy Regan

Alderman Keaveny (no longer on the Board)

Dr Martin Dudley (no longer on the Board)

Virginia Rounding (no longer on the Board)

Nigel Challis


[The Bursary Committee did not meet in 2014/15]



The Town Clerk reminded the Board that the Bursary Committee could comprise of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.


The Board proceeded to appoint their Bursary Committee for 2015/16.


RESOLVED – that the following Governors be appointed to the Bursary Committee for the ensuing year:


Clare James (as Chairman)

Nicholas Bensted-Smith

Nigel Challis

Deputy Richard Regan

Mary Robey

Richard Sermon