Agenda item

Cyber Fraud

Report of the Chamberlain.

(This report, which was originally an appendix to last Month’s regular ‘Anti-fraud Investigations Update’ was deferred to this meeting of the Committee)


Members received a report of the Chamberlain in respect of Cyber Fraud.  This report had been deferred from the last meeting as the IT Auditor had not been in attendance.  Members noted that the work was currently in a learning phase and would be presented to the Finance Committee, with a further report to the Audit and Risk Management Committee later in the year.  Members noted that Baker Tilley’s Head of IT Audit would undertake a Cyber Fraud Audit of the City of London Corporation and deliver a presentation to this Committee.  There was also a masterclass on Cyber Fraud, for all staff, planned for 16 July.  As Mr Graeme Smith has professional expertise in this area, he offered to assist with the next report.

RESOLVED, that;  The report be noted.