Agenda item

Decisions taken under Urgency/Delegated since the last meeting of the Committee

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman  and Deputy Chairman of the Audit and Risk Mangement Committee agreed to the appointment of a chartered surveyor, called Malcolm Hull of Deloittes Real Estate, to act as the City’s expert witness in lease renewal proceedings at Spitalfields Market, for a capped fee of up to £150,000, although the actual amount spent is expected to be significantly lower.  Members noted that the full report set out the advantages of engaging this particular individual.

The Markets Committee met on 13th May and approved the appointment; Finance Committee met on 12th May and agreed to waive the requirement (under the procurement regulations) to seek 3 written quotations; and the Audit and Financial Risk Committee is being recommended, under urgency powers, to approve the waiver of existing limits on fees payable for non-audit work.

Given that the court process would begin shortly, officers needed the expert on board in the next 2 weeks to ensure he would be fully instructed.

It was therefore agreed that the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee  approve the appointment of Malcolm Hull of Deloitte to act for the City in respect of the bulk Spitalfields renewal, up to a maximum fee of £150,000 + VAT, waiving existing limits on fees payable to Deloitte for non–audit work.