Agenda item

Joint Operational Review

Report of the Chief Information Officer and presentation updating on the current position.


The Sub Committee considered a report and a detailed presentation of the Chief Information Officer putting into context a joint operational review which had been underway since late April 2015 to address issues affecting both IT services and the Oracle project.


It was particularly noted that:-

-          There had been a period of significant change for the IT service, including changing all infrastructure, bringing the Police on Board together with significant resource challenges;

-          Public sector network accreditation had been achieved in April and the future on-going accreditation would be managed by Agilisys in future

-          Whilst some disruption was inevitable, prior to the review there had been an extended period where this had been below acceptable levels;

-          As each project progressed, underlying legacy issues had been exposed, these were being worked through and, as changes were being implemented, complexity was being removed and the joint operational review accelerated this process;

-          Operational Reviews were being undertaken and a number of improvement projects were progressing through the Gateway Process;

-          The identified key areas for improvement were making a difference for users however, issues remained and further work was required to ensure all users were receiving an effective service;

-          Plans to achieve medium and long term actions were being developed and would be submitted to Summit and Chief Officer Groups for consideration;

-          There had been issues which were being overcome but more positive engagement of the teams, working together with the technical support was now improving the customer experience;

-          The IT Strategy would be reconsidered once matters had settled;

-          It had been intended that internal knowledge of the Corporation’s systems would be retained by the TUPE of roles from the City Corporation. 


Members welcomed the current sense of common purpose and emphasised the need for renewed enthusiasm across the board to make this work and for this to be converted into progress on the ground. The Sub Committee requested that a report be submitted to their next meeting on the first two years of operation and that the information they had been given be translated into a work plan for the next six months and beyond.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report and the presentation be noted and that a report be submitted to the next meeting on the first two years of operation of the Oracle Project and that the information within the report and presentation be translated into a work plan for the next six months and beyond.


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