Agenda item

Tobacco Control Harm Reduction Update

Report of the Commissioning and Performance Manager (Public Health)


The Board received the report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services informing Members that in March 2014 the City started a Harm Reduction pilot programme within stop smoking services, with the aim of getting more people engaged in stop smoking services and increasing the quit rates of those entering services. These programmes included a “cut down” programme, an extended 12 week stop smoking programme, and the use of electronic cigarettes in addition to

traditional stop smoking services.


Members noted that the area that had been most successful was the electronic cigarette pilot within level III stop smoking services, and the alliance recommends to Members that this part of the programme is continued. However, the Members were made aware of the possibility that there may be other effects of e-cigarettes which had not yet been discovered.


Resolved – that approval be given to cease the level II pilot programmes

until such time as the pharmacists are in a position to offer electronic

cigarettes, and to continue the level III electronic cigarette programme

alongside traditional stop smoking services.

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