Agenda item

Noise Strategy Update of Action Plan

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received the report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection informing Members that the Noise Strategy, agreed by Port Health and

Environmental Services (PHES) Committee in May 2012, considered

four key areas: dealing with complaints of excessive noise; minimising

noise associated with new developments; reducing noise from transport

and street works and protecting areas of relative tranquillity.


Members noted that the City Corporation had a statutory obligation to investigate complaints of excessive noise, to use its functions as a planning authority to minimise noise from new developments, and as a licensing authority, to minimise noise from entertainment.


In response to a query, Members were informed that there was growing interest in the protection and enhancement of relatively tranquil spaces in urban areas and this was reflected in both the London Plan and the draft National Planning and Policy Framework, both of which require local authorities to aim to identify and protect such areas of relative tranquillity.


Members agreed that noise pollution was a serious concern which must be bought to the attention of the City’s Licensing and Planning & Transportation Committees to ensure conditions regarding noise levels were monitored and adhered to. The Board agreed to seek assurance from the Licensing and Planning & Transportation Committees that compliance was taking place.


Resolved – that the report be received.

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