Agenda item

City Office Brussels Resources

Report of the Director of Economic Development.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Economic Development concerning the outcome of an independent review of the City’s Office in Brussels and the City Corporation’s European engagement activities. The report recommended the appointment of a new senior City representative in Brussels.


A Member sought details of the resources currently allocated to the Brussels office. The Chairman advised that the office had a current budget of approximately £400,000. Whilst the Committee acknowledged that the amount of additional resources requested was substantial, the need for more representation and further engagement in this area of work and the additional cost was accepted.


RESOLVED – That an additional £500,000 a year be allocated for three years (2015/16 – 2017/18) to fund the new senior representative position and support related activities. The 2015/16 allocation would be funded by carrying forward £500,000 from corporate under spends in 2014/15 and for 2016/17 and 2017/18 a base budget adjustment would be added to financial forecasts.



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