Agenda item

Safety Thirst Update

The Licensing Manager to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Licensing Manager regarding the Safety Thirst Scheme.


The Licensing Manager stated that the aim was for all assessments to be completed by 31 July 2015 with moderation in August 2015. He reported that 41 applications had now been received, 35 assessments had been completed of which 28 had passed, 5 had withdrawn and 2 were still being considered.


Members were informed that there were still 6 outstanding assessments to be carried out by 31 July 2015.


The Licensing Manager went on to report that there were likely to be 32-33 accredited venues this year which was on a par with last year. He added that, unfortunately, many of those venues that had been accredited last year had chosen not to re-apply on this occasion.


The Chairman confirmed that the awards ceremony would take place on 12 October 2015 and that invitations to the event would be sent out in good time.