Agenda item

Legal Proceedings against 'Viet Café'

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection outlining the steps taken by the licensing team on discovering offences committed by a premises in Eastcheap.


The Licensing Manager reported that he believed this was the first successful prosecution relating to the refusal to supply tap water. He went on to clarify a point in the report stating that the licence holder had been found guilty on five charges but only fined for three of those.


The Committee congratulated officers on pursuing this case. In response to questions, the Licensing Manager reported that a register of those premises that had had their licence suspended was maintained centrally and that checks were made on these premises every three months. A Member suggested that, in future, Members should be notified of those premises within their Ward that had had their licence suspended as they could often serve as the ‘eyes and ears’ of officers in these circumstances.


In response to further questions regarding the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS), the Licensing Manager confirmed that the City could ask for the DPS to be changed if there were any further issues.


The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection also commended the work of colleagues in this case and highlighted the lengthy, 18 month process leading to the successful prosecution.


RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of the report.

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