Agenda item

Epping Forest & Commons Committee reporting

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding Committee Reporting practices. The Chairman noted that the recommendations were clear and were designed to ensure Committee business was focused on key strategic matters rather than on operational detail that could be easily communicated outside of Committee meetings, or discussed at local meetings. He added that a couple of reports on the current agenda could usefully form paragraphs within the Superintendents’ updates. Members made a number of comments,


·         A member was disappointed that a fundamentally different agenda format was not being proposed, namely ‘For Information’ items retained and simply taken as read at committee meetings.


·         A member agreed to the proposal and suggested that the new approach be reviewed in one year.


·         A member noted that the proposals risked lessening the level of member involvement in operational matters, and that often the item that encouraged member involvement was the Superintendents’ updates.


·         A Verderer agreed that the volume of business did mean that the Committee was often focusing too much on detail and not enough on strategic issues. He added that pictorial material was a great help to understanding written reports.


·         A member supported the suggestion that ‘For Information’ items be included but taken as read.


The Chairman concluded discussion by requesting that the Director of Open Spaces incorporate members’ comments into the proposed agenda of the next meeting.




·         The Committee note that in future the Superintendents would be submitting written updates to Committee, updating those reports by exception, and incorporating supporting pictorial material into those reports;


·         The Committee note that the Superintendents’ updates would be supplemented by newsletters and other forms of communication between Committee meetings;


·         It be reaffirmed that reports should be submitted to Committee in the following circumstances,


o   Matters that fall outside those matters delegated to the Director of Open Spaces.

o   Where approval from the Committee is required by Standing Orders, Procurement Regulations, Financial Regulations, the Project Procedure or statutory requirement.

o   In cases where there is a proposed new policy or a change to an existing policy.

o   Where the Committee has asked to be kept informed and the use of the Superintendent’s Update is not appropriate.

o   Where the matter is of a nature such that the involvement of elected Members is prudent (i.e. political, media, sensitivity).


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