Agenda item


To approve the public minutes and summary of the meeting on 27 April 2015.



RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 27 April 2015 be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising

Horace Jones House

In response to a Member’s query regarding Right to Buy, officers undertook to re-examine the legal framework.


Stanley Cohen House

Members noted that meter checks had been added to the five-year cyclical tests, and the Fire Brigade report was still outstanding.


Tenancy and Rents Policy

Officers informed Members that the Chancellor’s recent Budget announcement would significantly affect a number of areas of social housing, notably a cap on welfare benefits.


Right to Buy Social Mobility Fund

Officers advised that information had been publicised but, so far, there had been little take-up.



In response to Members’ queries, officers confirmed that an interim Building Surveyor had been appointed, and the permanent Building Surveyor was due to start in August 2015. Officers also advised that a Professional Services Framework was now being put in place to simplify and expedite procurement procedures.


Resident Communications & Engagement Strategy - Technology

With regard to communications and IS systems, Members resolved to seek assurance from the Information Technology Sub Committee that ensuring officers had the ability to send information to residents quickly and effectively was a priority.


Golden Lane Estate – Petition

Regarding the Golden Lane Estate petition received at the last meeting, The Director of Community & Children’s Services advised that he had responded to the petitioners and their reply was awaited.

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