Agenda item

Culture, Heritage and Libraries Business Plan - 2014-2015 Outturn Report

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries in respect of the Business Plan’s 2014-15 outturn position.   The Director was pleased to set out the Department’s highlights, as below, which had positive reputational outcomes, as well as financial ones:


·       The success of Tower Bridge and the glass walkways.

·       Opening up of Guildhall Yard and the markets on Court of Common Council day.  It was suggested that Livery Companies be approached for more suggestions.

·       Shoe Lane Market and its value in the local community.  Members noted that another was planned for Christmas and Staff were particularly commended for giving up their own time to support the event. 

·       The variety and content of lectures at the library.  Members noted that these were publicised on the web, by the visitor team and at the libraries but understood that the marketing budget was limited. 

·       Targets for next year would be recalibrated, based on this year’s achievements.

·       Some Members commented about a perceived lack of awareness about on-going events, amongst Guildhall  reception staff.  The Chairman recommended leaving daily schedules at each desk. 

·       The Committee would receive the draft Cultural Strategy later in the year. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 



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