Agenda item

Culture, Heritage and Libraries - 2014-15 Revenue Outturn report

Joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries in respect of the 2014-15 Revenue Outturn position.


During questions, the following matters were raised/noted:


·       Officers agreed to provide costings for ‘pavement enticers’ at Tower Bridge.  Members noted that their use was balanced against the income generated. 

·       The Director advised that City Surveyor colleagues always consulted him in respect of the Additional Works Programme; the biggest challenges being necessary maintenance rather than planned additional works.  The Chairman reminded Members of the leak in the library, which had forced some of the planned works out of sequence.  Members noted that Chief Officers continued to work together in this area and understood each other’s challenges and requirements.


RESOLVED – That the revenue outturn report for 2014/15 and the proposed carry forward of underspends to 2015/16 be noted. 


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