Agenda item

Outstanding Actions of the Committee

Report of the Town Clerk.


International Centre for Financial Regulation

The Chamberlain advised that there had been a conviction and he would provide Members with further details shortly.  This item could be removed from the action list.


Annual Governance Statement

The amendments suggested by Members at the last meeting had been completed and approved (under delegated authority) and the document could now be formally signed off as part of the Statements of Accounts (at items 7 and 8 on this Agenda). 


Corporate Risk Register (Governance)

The Chamberlain advised that 3 further risks had been identified by the Chief Officers’ Risk Management Group (CORMG) and they would be reported to the Committee in September.  Members asked for the report to clarify a number of points raised in relation to the Committee’s Terms of Reference.  In respect of the Risk Challenge Sessions, Members suggested that once the current round of Chief Officer Risk Challenge Sessions was complete, the format might need to change, in order to keep it dynamic and relevant. 


Peer Review 

As this had not been progressed across other authorities, officer would need to look at alternative benchmarking and report back to the Committee in due course.  Members noted that, as a number of organisations were undertaking mock external reviews, this might be an option. 


Supporting documents: