Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.



The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided an update on management and operational activities across the Heath since September 2015. Members noted and considered the following matters:




Water House

The London Borough of Camden (LBC) was due to consider the planning application in December 2015. Hampstead Heath and Highgate Wood staff had scrutinised reports regarding the construction on Millfield Lane and its impact on trees and would provide feedback on the Planning Officers’ report once it was available. In response to a question from the Deputy Chairman, the Superintendent advised that there would be large-scale Heavy Goods Vehicle movement on Millfield Lane so pedestrians and cyclists would be diverted onto City Corporation land. A Member (LBC) noted that she and other LBC Councillors would be meeting with Planning Officers and local residents this week to discuss the planning application.


Athlone House

The appeal had not been upheld at Judicial Review.


2-3 Heath Passage

An application to de-designate as Metropolitan Open Land had been objected by local residents and the City Corporation but a date had not yet been set for the application to be considered by LBC.


Learning Programme


The Superintendent had received a petition against the proposed changes to the One O’clock Club and Adventure Playground that had received 905 signatures and 2,213 messages of support on Social Media. Following a useful discussion with the petition organiser, it has been decided to provide two hour sessions all year round at the One O’Clock Club for a modest charge. The Club would be led by a permanent full-time Project and Learning Officer and a permanent part-time Play Leader. Sessions would engage children with natural and historical aspects of the Heath, as per the objectives of the Learning Programme.


A revised programme was to be provided at the Adventure Playground. It had proved less effective in winter due to a lack of light during after-school hours so the programme would include specific seasonal events as well as a reconfiguration of the Playground. The Parliament Hill Programme would remain open and the Paddling Pool would be managed by the Lido Team in future.


Golders Hill Park


The size of the Zoo and Butterfly House would be reduced to incorporate a smaller number of species relevant to the wildlife of the Heath. In response to a Member’s question, the Superintendent added that this was expected to produce a saving of £50,000.




Six Officers would be on duty and the landscape restoration works at Kite Hill would be protected by a secure fence on New Year’s Eve.


RESOLVED – That the Superintendent’s Update be noted.

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