Agenda item

Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda


Oliver Sells declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 a) – Inner Temples Treasury Building which was also stated on his Register of Interests and advised that he would remain in the meeting but take no part in the discussion or voting.


Alderman Gregory Jones declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 a) – Inner Temples Treasury Building which was also stated on his Register of Interests and advised that he would remain in the meeting and take part in consideration of the application as his interest was not pecuniary.


William Upton declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 a) – Inner Temples Treasury Building which was also stated on his Register of Interests and advised that he would remain in the meeting and take part in consideration of the application as his interest was not pecuniary.


Emma Edhem declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 a) – Inner Temples Treasury Building and advised that she would remain in the meeting and take part in consideration of the application as her interest was not pecuniary.


Deputy Alastair Moss declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 a) – Inner Temples Treasury Building and advised that he would remain in the meeting and take part in consideration of the application as his interest was not pecuniary.