Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


Cultural Hub Public Realm Temporary Artistic Projects: Look and Feel ‘Quick Wins’


This Committee was asked to consider an urgent report updating Members on the Artistic installations for the public realm: the programme of events, temporary art installations, new street furniture, and greening for the Cultural Hub area of the City that had been termed the Look and Feel ‘Quick Wins’.


The Committee was advised that the Cultural Hub Working Party and its Chairman had expressed a strong desire to see a  series of ‘Quick Wins’ across the Cultural Hub ahead of the proposed  major capital interventions, and an indicative programme was endorsed by the Working Party on 1 February 2017.


A Gateway 1/2/3/4 report was thereafter approved by Members in March 2017 to initiate the programme and since that date a creative producer had been appointed to put the programme together; artists had been appointed to do some pre-evaluation work; designs had been drawn up and costs clarified ready for  approval at Gateway 5.


RESOLVED  that the outlined ‘Phase 1’ of the Quick Wins project, comprising events, installations and greening in the public realm in support of the Cultural Hub, be approved in principle.