Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Refresh

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received the report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and noted that the current priorities of the City of London’s JHWS were:

· Ensure that more people with mental health issues can find effective,

joined up help

· Ensure that more people have jobs: more children grow up with economic


· Confirm that City air is healthier to breathe

· Be assured that more people in the City are physically active

· Enable more people to become socially connected and know where to go

for help

· Ensure that more rough sleepers can get health care, including primary


· Ensure that the City is a less noisy place

· Confirm that more people in the City are warm in the winter months

· Ensure children and young people enjoy good physical and mental health

· Ensure that fewer City workers live with stress, anxiety or depression

· Ensure that more City workers have healthy attitudes to alcohol and


· Ensure that more City workers quit or cut down smoking.


Resolved – that the updated Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be approved.

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