Agenda item

Fleet Street Area Strategy


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment which set out the planned public consultation exercise for a revised and expanded Fleet Street Area Enhancement Strategy.


The Sub Committee discussed the importance of redressing the balance in favour of pedestrians, modelled on the recent enhancements to Cheapside.


Members acknowledged that the area offered inefficient pedestrian, cycling and bus infrastructure to meet the needs of the City of London and were informed that Officers were working with organisations including Transport for London (TfL) to identify improvements in these areas.



    a)        an additional resource of £56,350 be approved to carry out the consultation and finalise the strategy document, to be funded from the Section 106 agreement connected to 30 Old Bailey / 60 Ludgate Hill;

    b)        approval be given for the public consultation on the Fleet Street Area Enhancement Strategy to take place in winter 2015; and

    c)        authority be delegated to the Director of the Built Environment to finalise the details of the relevant consultation materials in liaison with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee.

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