Agenda item

Christmas 2015 - Smithfield Market Traffic Management Plan

Report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market.


The Committee considered a report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market, updating Members on discussions to implement a comprehensive Traffic Management Plan at Smithfield Market for the Christmas period 2015 following the success of a similar Plan initiated in 2014.


The Chairman reported that arrangements in place in 2014 had worked well and that he would therefore be reluctant to make any fundamental changes this year.


The Chairman referred to the statement within the report that highlighted that the City of London Police were not currently part of the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) although there were plans to review this position. The Chairman highlighted his concern that this advice had not changed since last year and asked that a resolution be put to the Police Committee requesting that they re-consider the matter and inform Members of progress as soon as possible.


A Member underlined the importance of properly differentiating between HGVs and LGVs as these were no longer commonly used terms. Whereas H for Heavy and L for Light was previously common, the approach now is L for Large and S for Small.


RESOLVED – That, Members:

·        Approve the Final Traffic Management Plan; and

·        Agree to fund the additional traffic control measures such as the appointment of private stewards outlined in the report from either the projected underspend on Smithfield Central Risk budgets or from a reduction in any concessionary car parking measures by one week.

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