Agenda item

Ward List Applications for the freedom - Charges

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain concerning the waiver of the administrative fee for applicants of the Freedom who were registered on the City’s Ward List.


Discussion ensued on the current practice of waiving the fees for those on the Ward List. It was felt that the waiver was an anomaly and that there was no merit in retaining such an historic practice, particularly as very few people made use of it. The Committee supported this view and agreed that the waiver should now be dispensed with.


The Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court pointed out that dispensing with the waiver required the approval of the Court of Common Council.


RESOLVED – that the Chamberlain be requested to draft a report for submission  to the Court of Common Council that the practice of waiving the administrative fee for applicants of the Freedom who were registered on the City’s Ward List should now be dispensed with but that the practice be retained for candidates standing for elections in the City.