Agenda item

Review of Outstanding actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which provided details of Outstanding Actions from previous meetings.


The Town Clerk advised that, in future, the Outstanding Actions report would include target dates and responsible officers for all items. The Chairman informed the Sub-Committee that he had requested officers to ensure that a strategic work plan was provided to the Sub-Committee which provided Members with a better sense of the cycle of business for the Sub-Committee.


With regard to the Oracle Business Benefits project, the Chamberlain advised that reports on this project would be submitted to this Committee and the Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committee.


With regard to notifications to Members of outages, a Member suggested that it may be beneficial to provide this notification to personal email addresses and by text, as City of London addresses may be inaccessible.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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