Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Manager of Community Safety Team – Town Clerk’s.



The Committee received a report of the Manager of the Community Safety Team, which provided an update on the Team’s activities, as follows:


Safety Thirst – the Port Health and Public Protection Director reported on plans for a possible re-brand next year, which sought to promote the scheme and increase engagement, with more direct contract with representatives from larger chains.  Members suggested that City of London Members approach the licence holders in their wards.   


Behind Closed Doors – officers reported on a very successful event and powerful presentation.


Relocation of the Community Safety Team – now on the fourth floor North Wing, Guildhall, to help enable closer working with police colleagues.


Community Remedy – completion expected in December.  Members noted a peak in October, following more direct contact. Officers agreed to investigate why a member of the Committee (also a Barbican resident) had not yet been consulted.  It was suggested that the outcome of the Consultation be reported to the next meeting of the Community and Children’s Services Committee, for information.


Calendar of events – the presentation was being worked on and the London Fire Brigade’s activities would be captured next year.


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