Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk setting out the outstanding actions list and noted the various updates and additions.


Flying System: It was advised that the outstanding defect had now been resolved.


Toilets: In response to Members’ queries, the Director of Operations & Buildings advised that the cause of the smell in the male toilets was related to the inadequacy of the current flushing system and the way in which certain chemicals accumulated in the system. He was conscious of the need to ensure any solution dealt with the smell issue and a number of new options for water closets including those with a waterless vacuum style flush, as well as those with a quicker flush recovery time, were being examined.


Financial Benefits (Antigone and Hamlet): A document providing a breakdown of the financial benefits accruing from each production was circulated. It was noted that there was some uncertainty around the possibility of claiming tax credits for a greater element of the Antigone production, which could see the financial benefit to the Centre further improve; the position should become clearer following the receipt of guidance from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs which should be forthcoming in the next month.


RESOLVED: That the report be received and its content noted.


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