Agenda item

CCG Update presentation

To receive an update from Gary Marlowe, CCG.


The Board received a presentation from Dr Gary Marlowe and noted the following:

·       A risk summit held on at Homerton Hospital 28 September where it was agreed that a combined action plan picking up on the maternal deaths, CQC report and CCG report would be produced. The CCG Maternity Programme Board, with external support, would monitor the progress

·       An external peer review of progress towards end of 2015 would be undertaken and the CQC would make a further inspection to review progress against action plans.

·       The CCG would attend St Barts and Royal London site specific quality meetings.

·       The CCG would continue to collect duty of candour information.

·       £8.8m of additional investment would be made into the GP

·       Confederation for additional Primary Care services. This would be scrutinised by the Local GP Provider Contracts Committee without local GP involvement.


In response to a query, Members were informed that 21 practices offering extended hours, however there was limited scope to expand this due to workforce issues.


Members requested that the City of London Police submit a report for the Board’s consideration regarding how the police force interface with mental health services in the City. The Board agreed that it would be timely to discuss this matter and asked for the report to be submitted to the January or March Board meeting.


Discussions ensued regarding the issues of eating disorders and self-harm amongst city workers and young people studying in the City’s schools and academies. Officers agreed to write to the Head teachers of the independent schools and academies to investigate whether this was a current problem, and if so, how it was being tackled.



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