Agenda item

The Health and Wellbeing Board's input to other Committees

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Board Members considered a report informing them that the Health and Wellbeing Board did not have its own budget, therefore it was vital

that it influenced other City of London Corporation committees and partner

organisations in order to carry out its work.


Members noted that performance and progress reports were received on a six-monthly basis and enabled the Health and Wellbeing Board to monitor whether the priorities set out in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy were being successfully delivered. Several of the priorities had a significant impact on health and wellbeing but did not come under the traditional remit of public health, health and social care services. These included priorities about air quality, noise pollution and physical activity and child poverty. This meant that joint working with Port Health and Public Protection, Open Spaces, Planning and Transport, Built Environment and Economic

Development was vital and the Health and Wellbeing Board was informed of progress and achievements through these reports.


Members were informed that the Department of Community and Children’s Services were recruiting for the post of a Public Health consultant for the City Corporation. Report authors would be encouraged to consult with this person to ensure health aspects of their reports were referenced and investigated. The Board agreed that other City Corporation committees did consider health aspects of their decisions however there was room for this to be further imbedded.


Resolved – that Members endorsed the adoption of a Health and Wellbeing Board forward plan that was supported by:

a. regular agenda planning meetings with the Chairman and policy officers in

the Town Clerk’s department, to identify corporation-wide issues that touch

on health and wellbeing; and

b. Regular engagement with the City and Hackney CCG, Tower Hamlets

CCG and NHS England, as part of the agenda-planning, to identify

external health and wellbeing issues that have an impact on the City.

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