Agenda item

Review of Outstanding actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain which provided an update on outstanding actions from previous meetings of the Sub-Committee.


The Chamberlain provided Members with an update regarding the potential to use Microsoft Outlook on iPads, which was subject to PSN compliance. The Chamberlain advised that it may also be necessary to move to a two factor authentication process for web-based emails in order to tighten security and maintain PSN Compliance.


Members discussed this, the current security of the Good App for Corporation emails and the information security issues of using personal email addresses to access non-public Corporation information. Members noted that this was a risk, but noted that guidance from the Information Commissioner identified this risk as only applying to how the data received at a Member’s personal email address was used. Members also noted that while there was a Government standard to avoid the use of personal email addresses for Government business, this was rarely enforced.


Members also noted that they had not received the IT Newsletter. The Chamberlain agreed to ensure that this was provided to Members.

RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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