Agenda item

Agilsys Service Performance - Update

To receive a presentation from Agilisys.


The Sub-Committee received a presentation from Agilisys providing an update on service performance. The presentation provided information about the Service Improvement Plan, which had arisen from the Joint Operational Review. The Service Improvement Plan incorporated initiatives in Governance and Engagement, People and Processes, and Technology Improvement.


Members asked questions about the relocation of the Service Desk function to Rochdale, and particularly queried whether the staff at that site were familiar with the specific requirements of the City of London Corporation. The Agilisys representatives advised the Sub-Committee that Service Desk staff were given specific training regarding the Corporation so that they were aware of the particular operational and reputational requirements of resolving issues.


Members asked for a definition of the abandoned call rate, which was cited within the presentation. Members were advised that this referred to calls which were terminated by the caller, without being answered after more than 30 seconds. It was explained that this level, which was lower than with the previous Service Desk arrangements, could be further reduced by employing more Service Desk staff, although this would clearly have a cost implication.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the presentation.