Agenda item

Detailed design for a new park gate for the sole use of Park Primary School

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee received the report of the Director of Open Spaces and the detailed design for a new access gate and path into West Ham Park for the sole use of Park Primary School to:

·                 Alleviate issues with emergency evacuation procedures,

·                 Provide a more direct route for children to access the park and school during the school’s renovation works (for a fixed term period) and

·                  Provide improved access for physical activity and outdoor learning in the long term. 


Members noted that the London Borough of Newham had funding available for the installation of the design and its contractors will implement the works. This would be overseen by the Park Manager and City Surveyor.


Discussions ensued regarding the primary use of the gate as an emergency exit for the school, and whether the local Fire Brigade had been consulted regarding the requirement and design of the gate. Officers said at this stage this had not been done. Members expressed concern over the locking of the gate and whether using key was the most suitable way to lock the gate. Officers agreed to investigate this part of the design further.


In response to a query, the Committee were informed that Members could contact the Park Manager if they wanted to visit the area to better understand the proposed location of the gate.

Resolved – the Committee requested that Officers consult the local fire brigade over the requirement for another emergency exit and whether the proposed location and design were fit for purpose. Officers were asked to submit a report containing the fire brigade’s response to the Committee in due course; following which Members could consider the design of the gate should it be required.


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