Agenda item

The role of a Road Traffic Enforcement Officer (RTEO)

To receive a brief presentation from a representative of the Enforcement and On-Street Operations Directorate, Transport for London.


The Sub-Committee received a presentation from John Strutton, the Head of Community Safety & Problem Solving at Transport for London regarding the role of a Road Traffic Enforcement Officer.


The presentation covered a number of areas as follows –


-       Road modernisation programme

-       Powers for RTEO’s

-       Community Safety Accreditation from the Metropolitan Police

-       Maximising impacts

-       Various transformational projects across the TFL network

-       Forward schedule in terms of recruitment


In response to a question, Members were informed that appropriate tools would be used to take enforcement action on cyclists.


Members were advised that RETO’s would be deployed based on demand which would be informed by intelligence.


Members noted that by April 2016 there would be a full establishment of RTEO’s.


The Chairman thanked Mr Strutton for attending the meeting.