Agenda item

Review of Annual Work Programme 2015/16 and Presentation of the 2016/17 Programme

The Head Ranger for West Wickham & Coulsdon Commons to be heard.


The Committee received a presentation from the Head Ranger of West Wickham and Coulsdon Commons that reviewed the 2015/16 Annual Work Programme and previewed the upcoming 2016/17 Programme. Members noted the following matters:-



The first five years of the ten year Environmental Stewardship Scheme to enhance certain habitats with agricultural benefits had been successfully completed. The Small Leaved Lime Project to conserve and protect the national rarity at Spring Park had entered into its third and final year. Chestnut and hazel coppicing was also being carried out at Spring Park as part of the Woodland Code.


West Wickham Common was home to the only area of heathland habitat within The Commons Division, so restoration was being carried out to increase heather seed spreading and collecting.



40 educational events had taken place during 2015, including guided walks, stargazing events, Fungal Forays, and Meet the Ranger events. The frequency of Meet the Ranger events would look to be increased to engage further with the local community and develop local users’ knowledge about who owns, manages and funds the site.



West Wickham Common and Spring Park had both achieved Green Flag Awards and West Wickham Common had achieved a Green Heritage Award.



A traveller community had moved onto an area of Spring Park on one occasion during 2015, whilst incidents of fly-tipping, abandoned cars and fires continued to occur across both sites. Dragon’s teeth would be added to the City Corporation / London Borough of Bromley (LBB) land boundary at Spring Park to prevent travellers from moving vehicles from one side to the other. The Head Ranger added that the LBB currently took responsibility for the removal of abandoned cars in the Spring Park Car Park but he would investigate whether or not it would be more cost-effective for removals to be carried out by City Corporation staff.


Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)

Surveys were continued to be carried out and further monitoring for OPM would be led by the Senior Ranger during summer 2016. There had been no infestations found during 2015 but Spring Park was within two kilometres of an OPM nest site. Close contact was being maintained with officers from LBB and the Forestry Commission, who were coordinating the response to the threat of OPM across London. Information notices would be installed at the Commons soon.


Spring Park 2016/17

Chestnut and Hazel coppicing would be carried out in the Park.


West Wickham Common 2016/17

Heathland restoration, hazel planting, and holly and tree clearing would be carried out across the Common.


The lumps, bumps and ditches on West Wickham Common were last excavated in 1931 but their origin was unable to be determined. The Head Ranger advised that he planned to invite local amateur archaeologists to re-open the case in an attempt to confirm their age and purpose. A member noted that she would provide Rangers with the details of a local archaeologist who may be interested in taking part.