Agenda item

Report of the Comptroller & City Solicitor

A report of the Comptroller & City Solicitor detailing the complaint that has been

received, the alleged breaches to the Code of Conduct and the action required by the Assessment Sub Committee.





The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Comptroller & City Solicitor detailing a complaint that had been received in respect of a Member of the Court of Common Council, the alleged breaches to the Code of Conduct and the action required by the Assessment Sub Committee.


Members of the Sub-Committee, having considered the report and the accompanying information before them, determined that further information and clarification in respect of a number of points was necessary.  On the basis that additional information should be requested by The Town Clerk from the City Surveyor, the Sub-Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting and reconvene once the additional information was available. 


Resolved:- That further information in relation to the complaint and specific points for clarification be sought from the City Surveyor by the Town Clerk and submitted to a reconvened meeting of the Assessment Sub-Committee at the earliest opportunity.