Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2015/16 and 2016/17

Report of the Chamberlain. This report will also be considered by the Court of Common Council on 3 March 2016.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which provided the 2015/16 and 2016/17 budgets for each of the City of London Corporation’s three main funds. The Town Clerk explained that these would be submitted to the Court of Common Council, subject to amendments arising from the decisions made by the Committee at the consideration of the previous agenda item.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:



a)    notes the latest revenue budgets for 2015/16;

b)    agrees the 2016/17 revenue budgets, subject to any amendments on the City Fund that may be agreed in relation to the report on “City Fund – 2016/17 Budget Report and Medium Term Financial Strategy?;

c)    agrees the capital budgets;

d)    delegates authority to the Chamberlain to determine the financing of the capital budgets; and

e)    submits this report to the Court of Common Council for its approval.

Supporting documents: