Agenda item

Review of Outstanding actions

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and the Chamberlain which provided updates of outstanding actions from previous meetings. The report also provided information of the Sub-Committee’s proposed work plan for forthcoming meetings.


Members noted that some recent meetings had clashed with meetings of the Planning and Transportation Committee. The Town Clerk assured Members that there would be no further clashes.


The Chairman noted that an item on the work plan advised Members that they would be considering the extension of the Agilisys contract at their June 2016 meeting. The Chamberlain clarified that the report to that meeting would be to start the process of considering the renewal of the contract, although it was expected that, if the contract was to be extended, the extension would be agreed with at least two years of the Agilisys contract remaining (which expired in September 2018).


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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