Agenda item

11- 19 Monument Street - Environmental Enhancement Project




The Sub-Committee considered a report regarding the redevelopment of 11-19 Monument Street which was now in its final stages.


Members noted that there had been significant delay between Gateways 2 and 3 due to lengthy negotiations on the Section 278 Agreement, and as a result the total project cost had also increased. A working party made up of key stakeholders and chaired by the City of London had been established, and a series of objectives had been drawn up to guide the project.




a)            the project objectives set out in Appendix 2 be approved;

b)            the release of funds to cover staff costs and fees as outlined in Section 16 of the report be authorised; and

c)            authorisation for approval for Gateway 4/5 be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


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