Agenda item

Road Danger Reduction Plan 2016/17


The Committee received a report detailing the progress made in reducing road traffic casualties on City Streets and setting out proposals for achieving further reductions in the future.


Members noted the proposal reflected an important emphasis on 6 key actions areas of enforcement, engineering, business engagement and behavioural change, reviewing and learning from the successes of others, reviewing staff location and strengthened working with TfL and the GLA.


Several Members commented that the risks taken by cyclists and pedestrians were increasing as well as those of motorists, and there was a need to encourage behavioural change and raise awareness of the dangers to all road users.


In response to a question concerning why a 10mph speed limit could not be imposed, the Director of the Built Environment advised that TfL were unlikely to agree to such a proposal.


Members also commented that the published target for reducing casualties should be zero.


RESOLVED  that the Road Danger Reduction Programme be agreed.



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