Agenda item

Policing Plan Measures 2016-17

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police relating to the Policing Plan measures for 2016/17. 


Members noted that at the Policing Plan workshop held in December 2015, it was agreed in principle to carry forward the current measures. This was proposed in the interests of consistency and being able to report meaningful trend information over the medium term. That proposal was also raised more formally at the January meeting of the Police Committee, where the plan was approved, subject to the approval of measures by the Sub Committee.


Members raised a number of comments in relation to the use of the word level instead of numbers, the number of surveys being undertaken as a measuring tool and how reliable these were, the need to target cyclists as well as motorists and whether or not ‘narrative assessment’ involved external scrutiny.


In response to a question from the Chair concerning a measure for rough sleepers, the Commissioner advised that this had not been raised as an issue of concern within the community. Rough sleepers also came under the responsibility of the local authority and not the Police.


The Sub-Committee also asked for the inclusion of a measure for victims of anti-social behaviour, and agreed to revisit and review the measure for Cybercrime after 6 months.



RESOLVED - That the report be noted and the measures approved.



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