Agenda item

Update on IT Service Provision - Presentation

The Chamberlain to be heard.


The Sub-Committee considered a presentation from the Chamberlain and representatives of Agilisys which provided an update on IT Service Provision since the Committee’s last meeting.


The presentation provided Members with information of the number of outages in the previous quarter and the time taken to resolve these, for both the Corporation network and the Police network. The Agilisys representatives advised the Sub-Committee that the number of outages had reduced over the last 12 months.


The presentation also provided Members with details of recent user perception surveys, which had demonstrated significant improvements between November and February for the Corporation network users. The Sub-Committee noted that Members had not been among the users surveyed and it was agreed that Members should be included in future instances of such surveys.


The Chamberlain advised Members that the Department had worked with the City Surveyor's Department to clarify issues regarding the ownership of certain infrastructure assets to avoid similar incidents as that caused by the interruption of an uninterruptable power supply in late 2015. The Chamberlain advised that this had been clarified for the Guildhall Complex, however there were some issues to be resolved regarding ownership of assets in outlying offices.


Members noted that they had not been well informed of the outages in late 2015, particularly when Members were accessing the Corporate network from outside of Guildhall. The Chamberlain advised that there was a process to notify senior officers of such outages regardless of their location, and Members could be included in that notification process.

RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the presentation.