Agenda item

Historic Telephone Kiosks Issues and Options report


Report of the Chief Planning Officer



The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer advising of the current situation regarding the telephone kiosks located throughout the City, and also recommending a corporate approach and options for future use .


Members were advised that usage of them as public telephone facilities was extremely low and in many cases they had suffered damage, neglect and ill-usage.

Members raised a number of questions concerning the historic and design value of the K2 and K6 Kiosks, changes of use and required planning permissions, preservation and maintenance options, and health and safety issues.


A member suggested the new uses to be explored should include wireless as well as broadband infrastructure.


In response to questions the Committee was advised that operators of functional kiosks had obligations to maintain them under relevant legislation, and private owners of redundant kiosks were responsible for their upkeep. There was potential scope therefore for the City to require their proper maintenance under planning legislation where their condition adversely affected amenity.


Members were advised that many of the questions raised would be answered in the assessment proposed under Recommendation C.


A Member proposed an amendment to Recommendation 2 of the report and it was seconded that where possible all K2 and K6 kiosks should be retained, painted post-office red, and converted to accommodate Broadband/Wireless infrastructure.


The Comptroller advised that this request was covered in Recommendation 3 of the report, but would be reliant on the assessment and negotiation with kiosk operators.


A vote was taken and the proposed amendment to Recommendation 2 was Carried.




a)            The City seeks the removal of all modern kiosks unless operationally required through negotiation with the operators;


b)            The City wishes to see in principle the retention of all K2 and K6 kiosks, and where necessary their repair  and change of colour to post-office red,  and convert  to accommodate Broadband/Wireless infrastructure where possible;


c)            The City undertakes an assessment of the townscape/conservation area contribution and physical condition of each unlisted K6 kiosk, including their potential for conversion to new uses that comply with Local Plan policies. The assessment will form the basis for further discussions with kiosk operators and will yield recommendations for:


Repairs and potential new uses;


Potential candidates for relocation;


Potential candidates for removal of unlisted kiosks.


d)            Following Member approval the City implements the recommendations of the assessment.









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