Agenda item

Implementation of the Grants Review

Report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


NB: The Sub-Committee’s recommendations on this item will be considered by the Policy and Resources Committee later this day.



The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the implementation of the grants review.


A Member referred to the list of on-going grants and payments agreed by the previous Finance Grants Sub-Committee and questioned whether it was still necessary to retain the Finance Committee Chairman’s Discretionary Fund. It was felt that, in view of the City Corporation’s ability to respond to suitable unforeseen requests for funding, this Discretionary Fund should now be abolished.


RESOLVED – That the following be recommended to the Policy and Resources Committee that:-


1.   the grant programmes identified as in scope for immediate centralised administration, those under review, and those not in scope be noted;


2.   the following be agreed:-


·         transfer of funding commitments from Finance Grants Sub-Committee to the relevant Committees for on-going administration and request that each commitment be reviewed and reported back to this Committee no later than December 2016, except in cases where a specific review date had already been agreed;

·         the staffing resources for a new Central Grants Unit, to be funded from the individual grant programmes;

·         the grant programme arrangements are reviewed in 2017/18 to align with City Bridge Trust’s next quinquennial review;

·         the four overarching funding themes for the grant programme (for 2016-2018) i.e. Stronger Communities; Education and Employment Support; Enjoying Open Spaces and the Natural Environment; and Inspiring London through Culture; and

·         the allocation of funding across the four funding themes as set out in the report.


3.   The Finance Committee Chairman’s Discretionary Fund of £10,000 be abolished.



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