Agenda item

Cousins Lane Street Enhancements - Section 278 Funding

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


NB: This report was considered and approved by the Projects Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning proposed street enhancements to Cousins Lane and the use of Section 278 funding to cover the costs.


Discussion ensued on whether the schemes to be funded from resources provided by developers via a Section 278 or Section 106 agreement should be noted or agreed by the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee. Members were reminded that, when the community infrastructure levy (CIL) was created, it was agreed that the Sub-Committee should take more of a strategic role by approving the overall percentage of funding to be utilised from the various budgets falling under its remit, but that the actual allocation of resources from those budgets for individual projects would be dealt with by the relevant service committee. A Member questioned whether the Sub-Committee had the ability to make a judgement or apply intelligence at such an early stage. After further discussion, the Chairman suggested that the report be noted and that officers be requested to submit a paper clarifying the process for considering and utilising this type of funding. Members supported his suggestion.


RESOLVED – That the content of the report be noted and that the Chamberlain be requested to submit a report clarifying the process for considering and utilising resources provided by developers via a Section 278, Section 106 and CIL agreements.


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