Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 10 May 2016.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 10 May 2016 be approved as an accurate record.


Matters Arising


Review of Sub-Committee

The Chairman advised the Committee that he had requested the Town Clerk, assisted by the Chamberlain and City Surveyor, to undertake a review of the Sub-Committees. The purpose of this review would be to seek to devolve more decision making matters to the Sub-Committees, as he felt that these provided a better forum for in-depth discussion by Members. He explained that he would seek to ensure that all Members of the Grand Committee had the opportunity to serve on Sub-Committees if they desired.


He explained that he would continue to Chair the Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committee but wished to appoint other Members of the Committee to Chair the other Sub-Committees. He informed the Committee that he has approached Simon Duckworth to Chair the Finance Grants Sub-Committee, Deputy Jamie Ingham Clark to Chair the Information Technology Sub-Committee and Nick Bensted-Smith to Chair the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee. He explained that those Members would be consulted by the Town Clerk as part of the review of the Terms of Reference of the Sub-Committees, but he would also welcome any views from other Members of the Committee.


Corporate Asset Sub-Committee

The Town Clerk advised Members that the Policy and Resources Committee had only appointed one Member to the three positions for the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee and had suggested that these vacancies be made available to the wider Court of Common Council. The Town Clerk advised the Committee that this had been discussed with the Chairman and proposed that the composition of Corporate Asset Sub-Committee be amended such that, Finance Committee, Policy and Resources Committee and Property Investment Board should still be given the opportunity to appoint Members to the Sub-Committee. If any vacancies remained following the first meeting of each of these Committees, these would be advertised to the whole Court, for appointment by the Finance Committee.


RESOLVED – That the Committee agrees that the vacancies for appointment to the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee be made available to the Court of Common Council, to be appointed by the Finance Committee.

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