Agenda item

Outstanding actions from previous meetings

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out actions outstanding from previous meetings of the Committee.


Triennial Valuation of the Pension Fund

The Chairman advised the Committee that he had requested Clare James to act as a Lead Member for the Triennial Valuation of the Pension Fund, given her expertise in this area. He advised that any Members were welcome to assist Ms James in this task and should contact her directly if they wished to lend their assistance.


Consultation on the Devolution of Business Rates

A Member queried whether the Corporation would be responding to the consultation on proposals for the devolution of Business Rates via the Local Government Association. The Chairman explained that the Corporation was feeding into the response which was being prepared by London Councils, and would also submit its own response.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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