Agenda item

Street Lighting Review


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Built Environment detailing the plans for the upgrade of the City’s street lighting. This was to include the replacement of both the lighting units and the control transmitter. There was a discussion over whether the project could be combined with the plan to install 4G wireless hubs over the city. Members felt that this was an example of potential “joined up working” that had been missed. It was asked that details of the IT project and the work that would be required to fit the hubs be circulated to members of the Committee as well as included in the report for its consideration at Projects sub-committee.




-       Progression of the project to Gateway 5 be authorised subject to agreement of the funding strategy by Resource Allocation Sub-Committee at Gateway 4a, and that;

-       The requirements to roll forward the existing unspent balance on the project of £22,174 to Gateway 5 be noted.


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