Agenda item

Mitre Square - Gateway 4-5


The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 4/5 report of the Director of Built Environment on the proposed work to Mitre Square. The public consultation had raised a number of issues for consideration, including alternative school drop off points and the placing of fixed play equipment (considered more appropriate on the Aldgate side of the school).


RESOLVED – That approval be granted for:


-       the project approach to deliver the works in two phases;

-       the design for Phase 1, as shown in Appendix 2 of the report;

-       the implementation budget for Phase 1 (£440,216), as set out in section 5 and Appendix 3 of this report, fully funded from the Section 278 agreement and Transport for London, and;

-       the release of £50,000 from the Sec.106 contribution to the Fees sub-task in order to continue with the detailed design process for Phase 2.


Supporting documents: